"Obsequium pauperum et tuitio fidei - Support for the needy and attestation of faith" - the motto of the Order of Malta is the guiding principle of an extraordinary event. Under the patronage of the Order the Children's Train to Lourdes has already become a tradition, that provides special experiences and memories to special children. Organzied by Christian zu Fürstenberg and Antonia von Weichs, 33 handicapped children and their care takers took a traditional train to Lourdes on May 15, 2016 for a one week stay. 

Per every child there is one care taker, ensuring the child's wellbeing, care, fun and joy! Friendships are the result of this setting - not only for the duration of the trip but far further beyond. The care takers become an important part of the children's life. They are supported by the "Saalschwestern", who are professional nurses and are providing their invaluable medical support at all times.






Antonia von Weichs:" We are organizing the Children's Train to Lourdes according to our principles and values - to be side by side with the children and give them all our compassion and support. However, every time we learn so much more from the children. Thus receive much more than we are able to give".






Christian zu Fürstenberg adds:"When we start our trip, we are two groups -handicapped children and care takers. At the end of the week, the groups become one and are friends leaving the train with many joyful and happy memories to share."

There was a big warm hello when the children arrived at the main train station in Ulm. Many of the children and their care takers knew each other from former trips and were delighted to see each other again. "My Maltese" is how the children adress their care taker proudly.

33 children and their "Maltese" need a lot of luggage, that has been handled professionally by the luggage team. Also the lighter pieces were handled with care using all muscles available!

While the preparations for the trip to Lourdes went into the final phase, we used the time to have fun in-front and behind the camera!

Prayers for a good trip and a safe arrival......and finally the moment has arrived: Christian of Fürstenberg announces the departure of the train.


Have a safe trip!

And now we switch to Lourdes!



After 12 hours in the train the group finally arrived in Lourdes. The Lourdes main station is already prepared for the arrival. Again, it is a huge logistical effort to handle all the luggage, food and equipment for the group.

Straight from the train station the children are brought to their holiday home....



...whereas the rest of the group stays at this nice hotel close to the holy area.



After the long night in the train everybody has his/her own way to deal with the journey demands.

Even though relaxing is very tempting after this long trip, everybody gathered for the first sacrament procession!

A long day ended with a joint church service in the hospital.....

...before everybody happily went to bed!




...well, not everybody, as the grown-ups still need to discuss how they can make the next day another special day for their little proteges.

These are short nights for the Maltese. Those who are not in charge for vigil at least get a few hours of sleep before the first church service in the early morning.....

...and relax afterwards by enjoying the sunrise on the rooftop terrace of the hospital.

Whereas these in charge of the night shift look like this....


After the first morning meetings led by the "Saalschwestern" (who btw. can also be male and still called "Saalsister")....

...it is time to wake the children up. This was one of the most impressing moments of the trip. The Maltese wake up the children by entering their rooms singing. It creates a very special, respectul and peaceful atmosphere and is a loving start into the new day. 


After breakfast.....

...and some fun...

...it is time to start the day!

Sacrament and sick unction are very emotional moments, accompanied by singing Maltesers.

The proud team



On the way from church service to the so called "prairie" which is a public area for rest and playing outside, a collision between processions needs to be avoided....

Finally - the Prairie!

The evening brought one of the highlights of every journey to Lourdes: the candlelight procession!


The group had the honor to be accompanied by an impressive auxiliary bishop for some hours - a person of great compassion and humor!

Jointly painting wooden hearts and crosses was a joy for both, children and Maltese!

Visiting the so called "Piscine" is special for every Lourdes pilgrim. Submerging in the pool is considered as repetition of baptism.

Party time! The surprise party is already a real Lourdes tradition and huge fun for the children who discover their singing and dancing talents!


5 days have passed, the luggage is prepared and it is time to leave Lourdes for another long train ride back home. The luggage team must once againh give its best to handle all suitcases and boxes....

The kitchen team of course made sure that also the way back ensures food and beverages for all!


And finally it was time to say goodbye! What remains is friendship, happy memories, compassion, and sheer exhaustion at the same time and the wish to see each other again in the next Children's Train to Lourdes.



We welcome you to accompany us at the Children's Train to Lourdes! We will keep you updated in this blog. In case you want to know more about the event, please contact  Antonia von Weichs aw@fuerstenberg-zeitgenoessisch.com. Donations are possible under "Der Kinderzug", Kurhessische Landbank, BLZ 52060208, Konto 75299.